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About Me
Adamus Saint Germain's
DreamWalker Birth Transitions™
Conception – Pregnancy – Birth
Chance or choice ?
In ancient times, many peoples used to ask special wise women or men to guide them through the processes of birth and death, our most important transitions in life.
The wake as well as the rituals recorded in the Tibetan Book of the Dead are remnants of those times.
Nowadays, we call a woman who assists an expecting mother both emotionally and physically before, during and after delivery a Doula (Adoula in ancient times).
This word is derived from Ancient Greek: servant of the woman.
Adamus Saint Germain's DreamWalker Death Transitions™
If you are convinced of the idea that we consist of an immortal essence
able to incarnate into a material body, bring it to life and leave it behind as an inanimate vessel, then this information may be of interest for you.